
Professional Development

ZITET facilities certification in technology programmes that lead to living-wage careers.

ZITET conducts periodic surveys in industry and commerce to offer in-demand programmes.



We advocate for the formulation, adoption and domestication of relevant regional and international laws and best practices that guarantee sustainable access to information and technologies by both urban and rural communities.


Collaboration and Partnerships

We are committed to building strong strategic partnerships, alliances and collaborations with government ministries, youth-based organisations, activists, church related organisations, NGOs and corporates, etc., at community, national, regional and international levels.


Research and Information Dissemination

ZITET conducts demand-driven and proactive research on emerging issues in the field of information and technologies. This forms the basis of ZITET’s programming. We are also committed to knowledge sharing through information dissemination activities.


ZITET provides short term training sessions in the following areas: Digital Literacy; Information Literacy; Life Skills Training; Media Literacy

Digital literacy

We provide training on how to use digital technologies to communicate and engage in the digital world, comprehend information online, and create digital shareable content. Digital literacy skills stretch beyond the basic Google search, email correspondence, and social media posts. It fosters skills on communicating, evaluating, and creating information safely and appropriately through digital devices and networked technologies for participation in economic and social life.


We offer proactive and demand-driven information literacy training sessions. The sessions include how to search, use, evaluate and communicate information. Information literacy skills are essential in this information age where misinformation, disinformation and fake news are rife. Community members deal with information daily, hence the need to know how to differentiate and evaluate the validity of information.

Life skills

Life skills training sessions inculcate

  • Critical thinking skills and decision-making skills
  • Self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Interpersonal relationship skills
  • Self-awareness building skills
  • Empathy and presentation skills

Media literacy

Social media is a powerful actor of social change. It’s seen and used simultaneously as a tool and means of communicating information and knowledge. Media Literacy sessions enable sharing and taking part in the emerging participatory culture online, judging (ability to evaluate the reliability and credibility of different information sources), negotiating (ability to go from one community to another, discerning and respecting plural perspectives), and being motivated to take part in public discussion.

Guiding Principles

UN Sustainable Development Goals & AU Agenda 2063

Our programming is centered on sustainable development goals where we strive to provide products and services that benefit the current and future generations. Therefore, our work is anchored on the dictates of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the AU Agenda 2063.

African Union Convection on Cyber Security

Adopted in 2014 by AU member states to establish a ‘credible framework for cybersecurity in Africa through organisation of electronic transactions, protection of personal data, promotion of cyber security, e-governance and combating cybercrime’.


Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), which states that the fundamental right of freedom of expression encompasses the freedom to “to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers”.